目前分類:泡泡寫的日記與故事 (4)

瀏覽方式: 標題列表 簡短摘要
作者原文: This is me at my hows and my mommy is cooking dinr. It smel so good. The end.

正確的拼字 : This me at my house and my mommy is cooking dinner. It smells so good. The end.

作者的意思: 我在我台灣家,我媽媽在煮晚飯,聞起來很香,結束。

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Once upon a time, there was a Pony who had wings. And, she loved to play tag. But, she had no friend. So, she was so boring. And, one day, one friend who love Pony saw her, and she took her. And they became friends. The end.

笨蛋谷哥大神翻的: 曾幾何時,有是有翅膀的小馬。並且,她喜歡打標籤。但是,她沒有朋友。所以,她是那麼的無聊。 ,並有一天,一個朋友誰愛小馬看見她,她把她的。和他們成為朋友。結束。

媽媽翻的: 很久以前,有一隻有翅膀的小馬他很喜歡玩"抓鬼(tag)",可是他沒有朋友,所以他覺得很無聊。 有一天,有一個喜歡小馬的朋友看到牠,她牽著牠。然後,她們變成朋友。 結束。

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媽媽說: 你今天要我幫你寫什麼?

泡泡說: 我不想要寫,我今天沒有開心的事


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Me And My Mommy And Brotr is runni becows the wind is blowing us. by Cynthia


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